The latest global
broadband report, released on Saturday by the United Nations Broadband Commission, reveals an
astonishingly high global growth rate in mobile broadband subscriptions of some
30%. This is the highest growth rate of any ICT. In 2012, it exceeded fixed
broadband subscriptions by a ratio of 3:1 (up from 2:1 just two years ago).
Slovenia has dropped seven ranks in mobile broadband
penetration to 43rd place in the 2013 global broadband report. The decline is
in large part attributable to a slower adoption of mobile broadband technology
despite the growth of subscriptions in 2012 was still remarkably high at 26,6%.
Slovenia has lost two places and is 22nd amongst 28 EU member states. What is
worrying is the gap between the economies with highest mobile broadband
penetration that is three times higher than in Slovenia.